bryan k nelson

Hello. Non-profits, technology, music and servant leadership is how I’m wired. I specialize in organizational management in both creative and operational spaces. My passions are automations, support leadership from 2nd chair, and creating “pretty accurate” summary reports for data-driven decisions. Experienced in change management in the non-profit arena — I love seeing a unified diversity culture in teams. I’m a firm believer that self-led teams are the best teams for any organization.

Projects & Partnerships
KC Music Studio – Web
Marriage365 – Mobile (iOS/Android)
Sync Royalty – Web
Sound Audition – Web
Stand Firm – Mobile (iOS/Android)
THINQ Media – Web, Mobile (iOS/Android), OTT (AppleTV, Android TV, FireTV)

Google Project Management
Google UX Design
Google Data Analytics
Google Finance Data Analyst Professional Certificate

M.A. Organizational Leadership