Category: Leadership

Failing Forward

My son came to me wanting to build a robot that solved a Rubik’s cube. Um. OK. You are only in 5th grade. He had the instructions. I said, “You should totally go for it!” — but thinking, there’s no way he’ll end up doing it. After about 8 failed attempts — he finally created…
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Reconsidering Traditions

Over 400 years ago — the orchestra got its start (back in the 1600-1700’s). At the beginning, it was only stringed instruments (violin, viola, cello, string bass). But then the wind instruments and percussion were added, thanks mostly to Beethoven. But where do should they sit when you add them? The back row naturally. Why? Well,…
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Influence vs. Control

Sometimes I tend to micromanage teams. You probably do too. They are creatives — and they can smell it from a mile away. You know — when you start picking colors, choosing songs, or saying you want something to be moved another millimeter. Someone has to make those decisions. If you are a creative leader — it…
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Music Stand app Planning Center Online tutorial

The age of digital music has been here for awhile. The Planning Center “Music Stand” app is downright amazing for many worship environment situations. Here’s a tutorial of how I tend to lay out music. If you are a Music Director or Worship Leader — I hope this is a help in being consistent with your…
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1.5 Hour Lunches

I recently read in Improv Leadership that Stan Endicott schedules 1.5 hours for lunch meetings. Wowza. That’s a chuck of time. He says it takes him that long to accomplish what he needs to — because he’s interested in more than just eating. He’s story mining. His point is that if you are get to know…
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Creating without a purpose

Usually we create for a purpose. Rarely do we create without an end goal in mind. Here’s a musical idea that I put together — no real end purpose in mind. Enjoy.

Have a C.O.L.A. with your Team

Simple C.O.L.A. questions to ask a team after the weekend. What are we Celebrating? (God activity, what went well) What were Obstacles? (distractions from our goals, what could have gone better) What did we Learn? (things you learned for the first time, a brand new observation) What specific Action steps need to be taken this…
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Auditioning your worship team

Auditioning your worship team. Yuck. No one relishes the process — yet it’s done either officially or unofficially. Unless you have sign-ups for every position of course. Who want to preach next weekend? Sign up right here! What’s the best way to audition? Maybe you can learn from some of my past mistakes. First, know and…
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